Sunday 22 September 2013


Source: Adask's Law

1 comment:

  1. I knew it!

    The Jewish invasion started with the greatest Jewish performer of them all, Elvis Presley. Surprise, surprise, if you haven’t heard already that the King of Rock and Roll was Jewish and certainly cognizant of it. The Wall Street Journal provided the scoop in 1998, followed by intriguing research by historian Elaine Dundy who assembled the details in her fascinating book Elvis and Gladys. Dundy’s conclusions regarding the maternal lineage of Elvis’s family is based on well-documented evidence and seems spot on. Her investigation revealed that Elvis’s great-great grandmother, Martha Tackett, was no doubt Jewish, maybe not all that surprising in a family that had an eclectic of lineage including Cherokee. The Jewish maternal side ran uninterrupted to Gladys Presley whose only living child was named Elvis Aron Presley—Aron is presumed to be a common misspelling of Aaron, the brother of Moses. (Elvis’s twin brother was stillborn.) Rabbinic law allows that one’s Jewishness is determined by the law of succession through mothers, conclusively settling the question of whether Elvis was Jewish. And even though naysayers point out that Elvis attended a Baptist church, was nearly unparalleled in his singing of Christian hymns, yada yada yada, the fact remains that any Jew who adopts another faith is never considered an ex-Jew, but rather he or she remains Jewish, though as an apostate.


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