Tuesday 26 February 2013


Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich. Naive straight arrow?.


In Austria, Count Metternich, the most prominent figure in European politics of the time, with the exception of Napoleon, and through whose instrumentality the latter had been offered the hand of Marie Louise of Austria, became Foreign Minister in 1809. His reputation has been handed down to us through Judaized history books as that of a “reactionary,” whereas we may now, in 1939, knowing where democracy has led us, realize that Metternich had a very far-seeing intelligence and recognized how the plausible democratic theories which sprang everywhere into life during his long period of activity must inevitably bring down civilization itself.

So he was ever an enthusiastic opponent of the secret Masonic societies which he knew were behind all the revolutionary tendencies of his day. He believed in the rule of an aristocracy, but was so confident in that belief that he seemed to imagine that such things as domestic morals were only for the crowd and not for him.

Nevertheless, he was an upright man according to his lights, and never took bribes from Rothschilds or anyone else. He had, however, a singular capacity in trusting the wrong men; he made Frederick von Gentz his secretary and adviser, and, as we have seen (see p. 13) this Jew was one of the Illuminati, and had no moral sense at all, but was an intellectual voluptuary who would and did take bribes from anyone to finance his expensive orgies. 
It is curious how the fact that von Gentz was a Jew has been overlooked by so many writers who otherwise recognized his subversive influence over Austrian affairs. 

Jewish libertine and Rothschild toady.

 Disraeli acknowledged him as a “child of Israel” (S, Chapter XXIV.) whilst the Jew Grunwald reveals the fact that his first name was really not Frederick but Muasso (T, p. 194).

“It was to von Gentz that the Rothschilds largely owed their position with Metternich” says Corti (A, Vol. II., p. 69). This introduction dated from 1813, the year in which Metternich abandoned Napoleon and threw his weight into the coalition of powers against him.

After the Battle of Waterloo, the Frankfort House of Rothschild began to do large-scale business with the Austrian Government and (his father being dead some years) Solomon Rothschild was sent to establish permanently a branch of the Rothschild business in Vienna. This was in 1816. It was obvious that the Grand Orient Mason, Solomon Rothschild, would find much in common with the Illuminatus von Gentz. Solomon was already immensely experienced in the crooked ways of finance and had travelled widely in Europe for the Frankfort house

Gentz’s ways of life were expensive and he always needed money; he never hid the fact that he took bribes where he could get them. He used to exchange political information to the Rothschilds, which would allow them to rig markets to their profit, in return for “loans” of the kind that never require to be repaid. (A, Vol. II., p. 69).

No doubt it was due to the influence of von Gentz that Metternich’s librarian was also a Jew, named Schiel. It was a tragedy and almost inexplicable, that Metternich, surrounded with Jews as he became, what with his Jewish secretary, his Jewish librarian, and his Jewish financier, never became Jew-wise. I ask, in all seriousness, whether, in view of the antecedents of von Gentz and of Solomon Rothschild in Illuminism and Masonry respectively, mesmerism could have been employed against Metternich? Although Metternich accepted personal loans from Rothschild, these were repaid with fair interest, and no one charges Metternich with corruption by money.

One of the first loans arranged for the Austrian Government by the Rothschilds was a “lottery loan” which was remarkable from the facts 
(1) that the subscribers to it were not informed that another loan would soon follow and 
(2) that the terms were exceedingly onerous for Austria. A Police Report dated 1st May, 1820, in the Vienna Police Archives says of it

“The whole transaction is felt to be a shameful Jewish ramp which has been arranged between the Rothschilds and the Crown Agent Joel.” (A, Vol. I., p. 246). This Joel is later referred to (A, Vol. I., p. 246) as “Joel or Joelson.”
Here I insert a curious statement taken from Tour to Constantinople by the Marquess of Londonderry, published 1842, Vol. I., p. 59, which, speaking of Prince Metternich, says

“After the death of the first princess, in 1819 or 1820, I believe, the Prince married a very beautiful girl, the daughter of ‘Mr. Joelson.’” I cannot explain this mystery, as the second wife of Metternich is elsewhere recognized as Baroness von Leykam, Countess of Beylstein.

Solomon thrived so well in Vienna that very soon, where money was concerned, Austria under Metternich was in Rothschild hands. In 1821, Solomon’s brother was sent to open a branch of the house at Naples which was in Austrian occupation, and Metternich, who became Chancellor, made Solomon’s other brother James in Paris his Austrian Consul-General! Then, next year he had all five of old Amschel Rothschild’s sons made Barons of Austria! Metternich was acting like Solomon’s clerk, and he a convinced and uncompromising aristocrat!

This was the period of Power with the Rothschilds.

Between 1817 and 1848 it is estimated that the loans issued by the Rothschild family amounted to 131 million pounds. (B, Vol. X., p. 495). The musty details of these loans will not interest my Aryan readers and I do not cater for others. In 1839, Solomon had secured a mortgage on all the Austrian Lloyd Co.’s ships in return for a loan. 
“In the early stages of its existence, the Austrian house of Rothschild had a large money-lending business with the mediated and impoverished nobility of the Austrian Empire. Loans to the amount of 24,521,000 guilden being on record.” (B, Vol. X., p. 495).
So Solomon Rothschild was never in need of Gentile traitors to do his work. By 1840, Solomon’s wealth and its ostentatious display dazzled Vienna society and he was not only sought after for his money but even socially as well.

Metternich appointed the Rothschilds over the head of his own Paris Ambassador as the principal channel of communication between himself and the French Cabinet. When the question arose of appointing Lionel Rothschild Austrian Consul-General in London, Metternich supported this course because, he said, otherwise the Rothschild family might become hostile to Austria! (A, Vol. II., p. 170). Thus, the chief upholder of the aristocratic principle and the virtual head of one of the most powerful States in Europe had become the frightened servant of the Rothschilds who could blackmail him into bestowing on a member of the family a vital diplomatic appointment.

Needless to say, the Rothschilds extorted from Metternich many privileges for the Jews in Austria and wherever Austria had influence. It was Metternich who, in 1833, prevented the Papal States from reestablishing the ghetto for Jews; and in 1844, Solomon Rothschild secured for the Jews the right of holding landed estate in Austria.

Considering that Metternich wished to interfere by force against Louis Philippe in France, who, as supplanter of the rightful line of Bourbon, represented to him the revolutionary spirit in Europe, and considering that Louis Philippe’s regime was still supported by the flourishing Rothschilds, it must be surely plain to all that it was the Rothschilds who ruled the destinies of Europe and dedicated it to democratic degeneration. Metternich did not foresee that Louis Philippe’s rule would itself come to an end by revolution. 
 “Following the policy of the House of Rothschild in other countries, where it obtained privileges for the Jews in return for loans ~ in Rome, the abolition of the ghetto, and in England, Jewish emancipation ~ Solomon obtained from Metternich concessions to the Jews in legislation. It was he who influenced the Chancellor to take a favourable stand in the Damascus blood-accusation case of 1840.” So says the Jew Grunwald (T, p. 228-9).
This Ritual Murder is described in my book My Irrelevant Defence, p. 24. The result of Solomon’s efforts was an unsuccessful attempt of the Austrian Consul at Damascus to bribe the French Consul to withdraw the charge of ritual murder against the Jews.

As the Rothschilds had such complete control over Austria, they were not unduly incommoded by the death of their tool, the corrupt secretary of Metternich, the Jew von Gentz.

The spread of the 1848 revolutionary spirit to Austria caused Metternich to fly for his safety; Solomon Rothschild’s house in Vienna was looted, and he also fled the country, never to return, for he died in 1855. Not until reaction had set in, did Metternich dare to return, and then Solomon’s son, Anselm Rothschild, who was then Austrian Consul-General at Frankfort, re-established the Rothschild business, to be followed at his death in 1874 by his son, Albert Solomon Rothschild.

This Rothschild was the first in Austria to be granted the privilege of attending Courts. Albert followed the policy of interference with European politics which Solomon had established as a Rothschild practice, for we find Professor Goldwin Smith (Professor of Modern History at Oxford, and later of English history at Cornell University) writing on the alarms of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877: 
“We were on the brink of a war with Russia which would have involved the whole of the Empire. The Jewish interest throughout Europe, with the Jewish press of Vienna as its chief organ, was doing its utmost to push us in.” (Nineteeth Century Magazine, Oct., 1881, p. 494-5).

The Jewish press of Vienna carried out the orders of the Rothschilds.

Albert Rothschild was the largest stockholder in the Northern Railway, a concern which Solomon had the concession to develop by means of a public company in 1836. Later, it was nationalized. He held a similar position in the Southern Railway which the Rothschilds bought from the State on favourable terms.
By 1899, Albert possessed “alone about a quarter of the land in Bohemia (seven times as much as the Imperial Family) without counting that he possesses equally in other provinces, in Lower Austria, Moravia, Silesia and in Hungary.” (L’Autriche Juive, by F. Trocase, 1899, published by A. Pierret, Paris).
The Vienna House now found most of its time taken up rather with the administration of its wealth than in the department of banking; Albert became Chief Shareholder in the Credit Anstalt and when he died, 1911, he left 50 million pounds. His sons, Louis and Eugene emerge into our contemporary history.

It was during Albert’s administration that he did not shrink from using his financial power, at a time when debt-conversion was a serious matter to Hungary, to demand peremptorily that the Hungarian Government should not only withdraw the charges of murder against a Jew (the well-known Ritual Murder case of Tisza Eszlar) but that two Public Prosecutors who had been bribed to discredit the judge at the trial should be decorated! This was done via his Budapest representative Goldschmidt (U, p. 30).

Until closed down by Hitler, the Vienna Rothschild House never hesitated to influence affairs in other countries; when Kamal Ataturk, the Turkish dictator, was about to execute for treason the ex-Finance Minister, a crypto-Jew called Djavid Bey, “a number of great financial concerns, including the banking houses of the Rothschilds in Vienna and London, had tried to persuade the English and French Governments and the leading newspapers in both countries to use all their influence to make a personal appeal for Djavid,” (V, p. 276).

Observe the words “persuade” and “personal,” and guess what form the persuasion took in the case of both Newspapers and Governments! The persuasion was such that the French Government sent the Grand Orient Freemason Sarraut to Angora to do the “personal” pleading with Kamal. This Sarraut is Minister for the Interior in the French War Cabinet of 1940!

The chief coal mines and iron-works at Witkowitz, in Moravia were owned by the Austrian Rothschilds in partnership with the Jew von Gutmann, and by 1939 the value of the assets of the Company they formed was estimated at anything between ten and forty million pounds. 
“Czechoslovakia” is only another way of spelling Rothschild.
It is important, therefore, to note the close collaboration between that country and the Soviets, because this could not have developed without the sanction of the Rothschilds. One should get into the habit of associating the names of Masaryk and Benes rather with the Rothschilds than with “Czechoslovakia” if one is to see clearly through the fog of international politics.

It is estimated that by 1933, Barons Louis and Eugene Rothschild between them owned more than half the financial and industrial property in Austria. All their estates were confiscated by the Germans in 1938.

The Bohmische Escompte Bank in Prague was a Rothschild bank, the largest in the country.

The Credit Anstalt was formed by Anselm Rothschild after Solomon’s death; its original object was to keep the non-Rothschild Credit Mobilier out of Vienna. Anselm roped the Princes Furstenberg, Schwartzenberg and Auersberg, and Count Chotek into the racket.

Owing to the impossible state of affairs in Austria due to her dismemberment after the Great War, various Banks began to crash, and by the end of 1930, the Credit Anstalt itself was in difficulty, its losses amounting to its entire share capital and reserves. The Austrian National Bank and the Rothschilds stepped in to try and save it by a huge loan, but were too late, and the flight of financial capital from Austria became a rout.

Then you, gentle reader, were shoved into the firing line, for the Bank of England advanced £4,400,000 to the Austrian Banks, and this amount was subsequently repaid to the Bank of England, not by Austria, but by the Treasury, which means YOU, the British tax-payer! 
(Do you still believe that democracy means self-government, or is it Government by Rothschild Jews?) 
President Hoover of the U.S.A. then proposed a moratorium of one year on international debts and that cost us, according to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Snowden, not less than £11,000,000! Then the panic reached Germany (pre-Nazi) and her international creditors rushed to her assistance with loans and more loans; but the German Banks smashed up in spite of it.

As a further result of this continental panic, the people who held over £400,000,000 foreign short-term funds on loan in Britain began to call for their money, and that began the drain upon the Bank of England that bled her of gold, and caused intense depression in business with accompanying increased unemployment, which the Government tried to counter by quack remedies; the Banque of France came to the rescue for a time, but the Bank of England ultimately had to surrender by accepting foreign loans; first of £45,000,000, then of £80,000,000!

During all this time, Sir Otto Niemeyer and Louis Rothschild were co-Directors of the Credit Anstalt, and the former was a Director of the Bank of England.

Thus, just as the world is now (1940) at war against Germany with the single object of saving the Jews (for no other object is demonstrable for Britain and Germany to be at war) so, to save Rothschild credit in Austria, the whole world has had to increase its indebtedness to the usurers and to suffer from the resulting money-shortage by semi-paralysis of business!

“England saves Austria;” “France saves England;” these were the catch-cries of the day.

All that reallyhappened was that the British tax-payer saved the Austrian Rothschilds, and then the Paris Rothschilds saved the Bank of England from bankruptcy, leaving the British tax-payer still paying, and that under a reduced standard of living!

And that is a good note on which to end this Chapter on the Rothschilds who did business in Austria, for you see, my reader, that their work has affected your standard of living in Great Britain, and that you are now at war with Hitler, the very man who brought the alien power of the Vienna Rothschilds to an end!
Can you now guess why you are at war? 
Solomon Rothschild using the Masonic handsign of "the hidden hand"


.The Rothschilds obtained their first footing in Naples when Metternich of Austria sent troops to occupy the town in 1821, to support its King against revolutionary upheaval caused by the Carbonari, a Masonic secret society. Metternich persuaded the Rothschilds to raise a loan to pay for the costs of the invasion and upkeep of the Austrian troops, and this was actually arranged to be done as a loan to Naples, not to Austria! For this purpose, Karl Rothschild, Solomon’s brother and old Amschel’s son, who had already done considerable service in the Frankfort House, was sent in that year to Naples.

Naturally in the double role of a member of the Rothschild family and a servant of Metternich, he soon became very powerful, and “contrived to make himself indispensible to the Neapolitan Court in financial matters” (A, Vol. I., p. 297). This was all the easier as the costs of the occupation of the Kingdom by Austrian troops ruined the State and made it more subject to the favours of the Rothschilds in the matter of loans.

The Papal States were among those to appeal to the Jew for loans, who, in 1831, lent them sixteen million francs, whilst his patron Metternich tried to get the ghetto gates in Rome abolished; but the Pope re-erected them. This was followed in 1845 by a smaller loan, but it is to be noted to their credit that neither of the two Popes, Gregory XVI or Pius IX, who were reigning at these periods, were Jew-friendly on that account.

It was Gregory who decorated the anti-Jewish Gougenot des Mousseaux as a reward for writing his work exposing the nature of the Jew and which exposes the practice of Ritual Murder by them; and it was Pius who refused audience to the Jew Montefiore on his journey back from bribing the Khedive and the Sultan over the Jewish Ritual Murders of Damascus and of Rhodes in 1840. (U, p. 23 seq.). Nevertheless, Karl Rothschild obtained the Papal order of St. George (!) with the privilege of kissing the Pope’s hand instead of his toe! (A, Vol. II., p. 51). Faugh!

When Pius IX. had sought safety from the revolutionaries of 1848, he needed Rothschild loans to enable him to regain his temporal power: they did not grant him the loan until he promised to pull down the ghetto walls in Rome and establish freedom of movement and abolition of special taxes for Jews; this he refused to do until 1850, when the loan of thirty-three million francs was granted to him, on that condition. 
Payments of interest soon got into arrears (Daily Telegraph, 2nd Nov., 1935), which may be the reason that long after the Rothschild House in Naples had been closed down, the Rothschilds remained guardians of the Papal Treasure!
When Louis Napoleon came to be Emperor of France in 1852, both he and Cavour in Sardinia were strenuously endeavouring to free their respective countries from Rothschild influence, although they still resorted to Jews; Louis Napoleon started the Credit Mobilier in 1852, whilst Cavour, whose secretary was the Jew Artom, employed the Jewish Bank of Hambro.

Karl’s influence was therefore prevented from spreading too widely, and when Garibaldi conquered Naples and united Italy under Victor Emanuel, the former King of Sardinia, the Naples House of Rothschild was closed down (1861), and Karl retired to Paris where he remained in close familiarity with the Bourbon Royal Family of Naples who had gone there to live after their dethronement.

In Paris, the ex-King and Queen of Naples were on intimate social terms with Alphonse Rothschild (My Past, by Countess Larisch, Chapter VIII.).

Rothschilds have married into several Italian families of Jews; thus, Anselm Rothschild’s daughter married Baron Raymondo Franchetti in 1858, with descendants; Gustav Rothschild’s daughter married Baron Emanuel Leonino in 1896, and in the same year the daughter of Jas. Edward Rothschild married Baron David Leonino.

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