Saturday 1 December 2012


By Timster
December 1, 2012

I swear...if things keep going like this, I'm gonna start believing in Santa Claus again.

What more could a confessed anti-semite ask for in this season of giving?  The world is hours away from witnessing the Statehood/observer bid of Palestine being approved.  And the bad guys...israHELL and the United Snakes are powerless to stop it.

Palestine just kicked the jewish state's ass in a week of valiant resistance.  Stevie Wonder just refused to perform for the fucking IDF fundraiser in jewlandia, usa. 

I can't wait to see what else is under the tree for the decent people of the world to open.

Things are looking bad for the tribe.  And when that happens, it's a good thing for everyone else.  Then they pull something. I dare them to try.  Now.  When the whole world is watching. I dare them to try and get away with it now.  It ain't gonna work.  As they love to say..."never again". 

I posed the rhetorical question up there about what more I could wish for.  You want the whole list? These of course, are baby steps.

These things I listed.  But as any parent can tell you, those first few faltering attempts by a child are quickly replaced by 'cruising'...then there is no stopping the life-force.  Try as you may to remove all breakables from the path of this emerging exploratory toddler...things will get broken.  And no bad thing.  It's a learning experience...these initial steps.  

And they lead to independence.  Just as the Gentile population of the world is shuffling off the drug-dependence of the yiddish.  The drug of 'political correctness' and its injustice... and their propaganda that pushes it.  

It is in relief now.  When you look at the mainstream news, you can clearly see by their absence, the important issues of the day. 

These are the days of telephone screamers and button-pushers panicking. 

The days when no spin they come up with can be believed by anyone.  So they cannot report these things happening around them.  There is no way to spin an obvious truth.

The jewish culture sucks.  Everyone knows it.  There is no positive stereotype anymore. 

As much as she tries to be humorous...we all know that Sarah Silverman is truly a repulsive whore. This is no act. Watch her carefully, if you can stomach it. She IS judaism.  She is the persona. There is nothing else there.  She is the fail. That glorious failure for all to see.

And this is how jews themselves will wipe israhell off the map...and ANY positive image of the jew from our collective perception.  And we will look back shortly and wonder.  Wonder how we were taken in by the tribe when they showed us at every turn how inhuman and filthy their faction has always been.

So yes, we have more items on our wish-list. 

The complete dismantling of that terrorist state. 

The re-education about the factual history of their phony holohoax. 

The trials and executions of their most violent. 

The public humiliation of all that have yet to disavow their actions. Jew and Gentile alike. 

The divestment of media ownership and political influence will follow naturally.

I could go on with this list for a long time.  And I'm sure you have your own.  But suffice to say that these items are being checked off by humanity, one by one.  The wish list will be fulfilled in its entirety. Eventually.

And we are here at the beginning to witness such a glorious  period in our history.  It has taken far too long to get this ball rolling.  Far too long for those that have suffered.  But it is finally starting.

So if you...for one minute...think that it is beneath one of the tribe to shove a contract under a blind performer's hands and say "here, sign are doing a benefit in L.A. for a lot of money.  You don't need to know what it's for". 

If you think...for one minute...that Nutty-yahoo wouldn't kill every Palestinian child in Gaza for half a shekel or a few more votes. 

If you think that the jewish-owned political machine in D.C. wouldn't threaten every other country in the world with untold horror, if they vote to let Palestine in the UN. 

If you think that these things are outlandish and wing-nut theories...well, just look around.

Look around and rejoice. 

Look at what is happening in this, the beginning of the awakening. 

This Great week. 

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