Tuesday 19 July 2011




July 19, 2011

This morning I had to wake up much earlier than normal to drive someone to the ferries. We island folk do a lot of that sort of thing. Because I live in an apartment building on an upper level, the only tall building around, I rarely close my curtains because I am facing the ocean; I love to awaken to the amazing views in the morning. Today I saw a beautiful opaque waning moon set against a spectacular mauve and blue sky, surrounded by beautiful pink clouds.

I sat up and realized, these clouds were fanned out from the horizon, perfectly straight lines; they were dispersing chemtrails. There were fine threads of chem. Already spread over the skies telling me that TPTB had been spraying MY airspace during the night!  It is now 10 am and what should have been a sunny summer day with clear blue skies is just a haze of white, streaked with a dark silver, and cool ocean breezes. JULY!

Last night I found the following videos in YouTube. The Canadian government has not made a PEEP about the radioactive fallout for Western Canada.  Not a peep. The other day at my doctor's, a good man and excellent physician, I mentioned in passing potassium iodide. Without batting an eye he let me know that no such thing was necessary and perhaps I had wasted my money. He is not covering up, he is a decent man. He just does not know any better because in his decency, he still buys into the "government is here to help you" myth.

So there I was this morning, driving through a pastoral paradise on the shores of the Pacific with my car windows CLOSED! This is just not right. My pastoral paradise has been besmirched...

Anyhow, my buddy NorthernTruthSeeker posted these same vids I watched and so I post from his site and include his dialogue.  This is very shocking information for Canadians.

Since at least 3 nuclear reactors melted down and/or exploded at the Fukushima Nuclear Facility in Japan in March, there has not been a peep coming from the Government of Canada in any way warning its citizens of the dangers of nuclear fallout from that disaster. 
It is amazing that the people on Canada's west coast, especially in the Vancouver/Victoria area have not been up in arms about being subjected to deadly fallout!
I came across the most shocking set of videos that come courtesy of the IntelHub, at www.intelhub.com, that come under an article entitled: "Dangerous Levels Of Radiation Recorded In Canada, As Fukushima Radiation Dangers Continue", and I definitely want to share both the article and all of the videos here for all of my viewer, and especially those living in Western Canada... Here is that important article, and the videos:


The Intel Hub
By Alex Thomas
July 19, 2011

Multiple videos have been released showing high levels of radiation in Canada as the corporate media continues to cover up the real dangers posed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The tests were taken in multiple places in Canada including Lake Louise BC, Kelowna BC, Red Deer/Edmonton, and Hope BC.

The radiation tests that were taken near Lake Louise BC clearly showed harmful radiation levels up to 1.66 mcSv/hr .

So far Canadian and American authorities have remained silent. We must DEMAND action from local health authorities. If these levels of radiation are being picked up in Canada it seems only a matter of time before they reach the west coast of the United States.


This should be a RED ALERT to all Americans and Canadians!

Kelowna BC receives High Fukushima Fallout Radioactive Rain on 07/16/11

CRMT- Hope BC receives High Radioactive Fukushima Fallout Rain on 07/16/11

HIGH Radiations levels found in Rain samples from Red Deer/Edmonton (1.02 mcSv/hr)

NTS Notes:  As the narrator of the videos states, these high levels of radiation are dangerous to human health.  Right now, both British Columbia and Alberta are being bathed in a deadly dose of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima disaster, and the Government of Canada STILL refuses to inform its own citizens that they are in deadly danger.

Just for the record... Lake Louise is in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, just over the border from British Columbia, and just 90+ Miles from Calgary, Alberta!  What this means is that with this being the major tourist season for Banff National Park and the Banff/Lake Louise district, the citizens and the tourists there are being bathed with lethal radiation as we speak from rainfall... This is absolutely appalling!

Spread this article and the video around to others, and let us demand that the Canadian Government finally come clean about the dangers that its citizens face from the nuclear fallout from Fukushima.  As I have always said... It is essential to hope for the best, but to definitely be prepared for the worse!

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